
Hello. Thanks for digging a little deeper.

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Learn about our species and our world.


1. Population: You see we have only been here for a short time. We have never lived on this planet without ice at both poles. Our planet is 4 billion years old, and our species has only been here for around 300,000 years.

How many people can Earth handle?

If you watch only one video on this subject, I suggest this one:

Polar Extremes: Ice Worlds | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS

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2. Relationships: As one of our members said, “Why can’t we just get along?” Why is our species so violent? I thought for years until the answer came. There were no walls around our camps prior to 6K years ago. Men and women were equal in status. Folks worked a few hours a day. Something changed. Indo-European Man.

The Fall: Taylor Author of The Calm Center and The Leap, Steve: 9781785358043: Books

DisConnected: Steve Taylor PhD author of 'The Leap' and 'Spiritual Science' Steve Taylor PhD author of 'The Leap' and 'Spiritual Science': 9781803410302: Books

These books by Steve Taylor, a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University, explain the things we need to know about ourselves and our leaders. Pleasurable reading.

3. Warming: Increasing temperatures and the resultant amplification of weather events has been convincingly demonstrated. Our leaders have been meeting regularly and issuing statements that outline the problems and required responses. Unfortunately, we are falling behind those recommendations.

1687757865.pdf the entire AR6 Synthesis Report

Summary for Policymakers for the short read.

“The choices and actions implemented in this decade will have impacts now and for thousands of years (high confidence).”

You see we do not have the luxury to sit back and contemplate our next move. We have wasted half of this decade already and are set to waste a great deal more. Time is of the essence and those in charge are too busy putting out fires to see what is coming. Short term greed is putting our species at mortal risk.

What about the CO2 thing that has become such a political hot potato? Well, take a look.

Burning the remnants of the sun’s energy in the form of petrochemicals has changed our atmosphere. How do they know? Well, there are bubbles in the ice, and they test the air present up to 800,000 years ago.

A Graphical History of Atmospheric CO2 Levels Over Time | Earth.Org

Because this has never happened before, we have no clear understanding of what this might cause. The wisest course would be to reverse this, but the molecule in question lasts 10,000 years. Oops. It is best to not amplify the situation.

The Solution

We must convince the power of our planet to look to the future and actively change those aspects of our world that are pushing our fragile biosphere out of balance. Planet and Life will do that by focusing media where those leaders will see it and by contacting them individually.

We must stop acting as selfish individuals and see the larger picture. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to mankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies.”

Each of us should develop awareness of our “carbon footprint,” our personal use habits. Realize that plastic is forever and reusing and recycling is the way.

Live with empathy and share if you are able. Plant a tree. Make a green environment.

Adapting to our warming planet and our unfortunate history will take all our mental capacity and willpower. We must stop wasting our effort on dominating our neighbors and instead fashion a quality environment for future generations. Combining regional alliances into a globally effective body and choosing wise people to manage the future is required, and time is of the essence.

The following links are provided for your interest:

Netflix has many titles about Planet and Earth, and they are invaluable. See what you think.

Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix

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BBC Two - The Planets

Kiss the Ground Film | Official Website

Check out the awards this film garnered. How to combat desertification. Woody Harrelson had almost given up until he did this film.

US adults under 30 feel that climate change should be our government’s top priority.

Indo-European migrations - Wikipedia

The Union of Concerned Scientists issued their first warning in 1975.
NASA Images - NASA
Climate Change - NASA Science
The Carbon Cycle | NASA Image and Video Library

It is complicated but the end point is that carbon in the ground makes us cooler and carbon in the atmosphere makes us warmer. We have not been around long enough to experience the cycle, just long enough to mess it up.

International Organizations and Groups - The World Factbook(Hyperlink to resource)

A global gathering should be called, and ground rules should be developed for the new world we all share. The old ways are not acceptable in this new age. A NEW WORLD ORDER is required, one based on peace and human rights.

This question must be answered:

When an aberrant leader of our species imposes will and projects death, who is responsible to resolve this problem for the rest of us?


To benevolent leaders: Hang in there. Help is on the way.

To Not so benevolent leaders: You know how this will end. Keep your business at home. Find your empathy. Apology. Forgiveness. Future.

Please take a second to imagine your future... On the other hand, you could put your face on the currency of the future and have monuments to your accomplishments throughout the world by transferring your power to a group of wise people to guide us forward. Everlasting peace could have your name on it

To members of all species: You have been heard. Change will come. We will do our best to protect you as we strive to protect ourselves.

Bob Marley & The Wailers - One Love / People Get Ready (Official Music Video)

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Planet and Life