Who does not want peace?


Well, let’s see.
We need to give world leaders a chance to serve all people in a nurturing way. The words are ever-present; give peace a chance.

Opinions must be expressed that the people of this planet will no longer watch as the leaders joust through history to our mutual doom.

Power must be taken from the aberrant and shepherded by the wise of our planet for the mutual good.

It is time for a New World Order.

The disciplines of science have exploded our understanding in recent decades. We can no longer afford the folly of war. We have challenges to meet that will take all our resources and ingenuity as a diverse species to bear.

The task at hand is to muster the votes of those in power. The Big Stick takes the day and freedom is worth facing razor wire.

Of course, there are risks. But the status quo has not deterred the aberrant among us. It is time to restructure the global rewards system.

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